Goat Milk and ExfoliKate: Nourished + Glowing
- If you want to minimize the look of pores on your nose + dullness on your forehead/chin + dehydration on cheeks.
- Apply ExfoliKate in T-Zone + Goat Milk on cheeks.
EradiKate and ExfoliKate: Smooth + Clear
- If you have excess oil + prone to breakouts throughout your T zone + want to smooth texture on your cheeks
- Apply EradiKate in T-Zone + ExfoliKate on cheeks
All Three: All of the Above!
- If you have sebaceous filaments on your nose, blackheads on your forehead/chin + redness on your cheeks
- Apply EradiKate on nose, ExfoliKate on forehead/chin + Goat Milk on cheeks